
China FAW South Africa Factory 10,000th truck rolling off the production line


Recently, at the Kuha Industrial Park in South Africa's Eastern Cape Province, all sectors of South Africa gathered to witness the rolling off the production line of the 10,000th truck produced in South Africa by FAW, a Chinese auto maker.

South African officials said that this is a milestone moment for China-South Africa cooperation. The development process of Chinese automobile enterprises in South Africa from zero to 10,000 units, and under the background of the Belt and Road cooperation and the implementation of the nine China-Africa cooperation projects, they have made contributions to local economic development, people's livelihood and employment.

"We have one of the highest unemployment rates in the country, and investment by foreign companies like (China FAW) has created quite a few jobs," said Odendaal, mayor of Nelson Mandela Bay in South Africa's Eastern Cape province.

"The Chinese FAW truck company project is an investment we are proud of because it has helped the economic growth of the Eastern Cape and the country as a whole," said Mwoko, Director-General of Finance and Trade of the Eastern Cape.

Chen Xiaodong, Chinese Ambassador to South Africa, said, "The 10,000th FAW truck rolled off the assembly line this time, marking a new leap forward for Chinese auto companies in promoting the Belt and Road cooperation, persisting in localized operation and development, and promoting China-South Africa auto industry cooperation."